Some buildings with fire damage.
Tips on How to Make an Effective Pet Recovery Poster
- Make a poster with a recent picture of your pet to alert people to be on the lookout. Make small tear-offs so if someone sees your pet, they can easily tear off the tab with your contact information and call you.
- Provide general information, but avoid putting too much detail about your pet on the poster. Con artists may use this information to claim they have your pet and try to scam you.
- Place copies of the poster within a twenty block radius of where your pet was lost, and contact groomers, vets, kennels, animal hospitals, animal shelters, and pet stores in and around your area. You may want to create a Quick Reference Code that links to the picture and information on your pet, and place it on your poster. This allows people to scan it, and have your pet’s picture and information on their smart phone. Here is a website that lets you generate codes for free: QR
- A reward tends to motivate people, however, don’t state an amount. If you make the reward too large, unscrupulous people will wonder about the pet’s value and may not want to return your pet.
- If your pet is a female dog, consider stating she is spayed, whether she is or not. This could protect the dog from individuals who might see a breeding opportunity.
- Stating a medical problem or genetic defect may deter people from keeping your pet. Opportunists will be less likely to think of breeding a dog if they think it has a medical problem.
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