Some buildings with fire damage.

Recovery Resources: Safe Clean-Up Tips

Debris Removal Guidelines by FEMA
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An illustration showing Debris Removal Guidelines for garbage, construction, vegetative materials, hazmat, appliances and electronics.Part 1: Handling Ash, Debris and other Hazardous Materials from Burned Structures
Part 2: Emergency Guidance on Wildfires Fact Sheet
Guidance on handling hazardous materials from burned structures from the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).

Vehicle Removal and Salvage
This information from describes key engineering controls and work practices recommended by the U.S. Department of Labor for vehicle removal and salvage after a disaster.

Checking Your Home: Structural Elements
From the American Red Cross, see tips on how to enter a damaged structure after a disaster.

Disaster Cleanup and Repair For Your Home
This Red Cross guide provides information on protecting yourself and your family from health hazards that follow a flood and includes tips on how to restore utilities, proper clean up, and financial assistance resources.

Removal of Floodwaters from Structures and Initial Entry into Previously Flooded Areas
This information from describes key engineering controls and work practices recommended by the U.S. Department of Labor for removal of floodwaters conducted by response and recovery workers.

Private Drinking Water Well Protections
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pamphlet on what do about water wells after a flood. This information is a supplement to state and local health agency precautions.