Some buildings with fire damage.

The Canadian Edition

The Red Guide Canadian Edition CoverThe Red Guide to Recovery is now available in a Canadian Edition!

With the help of Community Resilience Champion and former Emergency Manager Teresa Burgess-Ogilvie, The Red Guide to Recovery has been tailored specifically for Canadians to help them prepare for and recover from all types of disaster events. As an emergency manager, Teresa recognized that most Canadians were unprepared and vulnerable in the aftermath of disaster events and needed a resource to help people navigate the recovery process. In Canada, as well as in other countries, when first-responders leave the scene of disaster, the residents may be left to figure out their recovery on their own.

For those who have lost their home or been displaced, this can be the beginning of a nightmare as most people don’t know what to do, who to trust, or where to turn for help. The Red Guide to Recovery – Canadian Edition was developed to fill this gap and give disaster survivors the tools they need to rebuild their lives and avoid becoming disaster victims.

Customize the Red Guide for Your Community

Customization Information (PDF 1.0 MB)

If you are a public safety official, fire chief, emergency manager, or relief organization and want to see the content of the Canadian Edition and learn how we can customize it for your community, fill out the form below.