Some buildings with fire damage.

Fraud Reporting and Support

 See more resources on how to avoid Scams and Fraud:
The Hall of Shame
  |  Fraud Reporting  |  Home Contractor Scams  |  Insurance Fraud  |  Pet Scams

Common Scams
This article from the Texas Attorney General’s office gives 5 signs of a scam. If you know what to look for, you may avoid being scammed.

What To Do if You Were Scammed
Tips from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), find out what to do if you paid someone you think is a scammer, or if you gave a scammer your personal information or access to your computer or phone.

Surviving the Storm: Beware of Post-Disaster Scams
This article examines the threat of post-disaster scams as emerge survivors can be targets of those who arre trying to rip them off, steal personal information or impersonate government staff.

Before Giving to a Charity
Information from the Federal Trade Commission at on how to avoid donation scams and how to report charity scams.

FTC Warning: Beware of California Wildfire Charity Scams
Information from the Federal Trade Commission at regarding wildfire charity scams. This report advises consumers to “be wary of appeals that tug at the heart strings, but are short on details about how disaster victims will benefit”.

Fight Fraud America
The mission of this grass roots group is “Fighting Fraud Through Communication and Education”.  Find resources to help you before and after a scam, or contact them for help with presentations to groups.

FBI Alerts Public to be Aware of Disaster Fraud in Aftermath of Recent Wildfires
This article from the FBI warns about the 5 types of disaster fraud, charitable solicitations, price gouging, contractor and vendor fraud, property insurance fraud, and forgery.  Read about how to protect yourself from these scams.