Contractor’s License Reference Site (opens new window)
At, you can find out if a contractor is licensed in your state, or see license requirements by state. A clickable map makes the search easy to start, then look for the link to find out who is a licensed contractor in your state.
DigAlert Homeowners Guide (opens new window)
Digalert is a one-call notification center that serves as a communications link between the person who is digging and the owners of underground utilities. See the list of standard colors used by utility companies to mark their lines, flags, or whiskers.
Call 811 Before Your Dig! (opens new window)
A national “Call Before You Dig” number, 811 was created to help protect you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. People digging often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get their utility lines marked due to concerns about project delays, costs and previous calls about other projects. These assumptions can be life-threatening.
Video: DigAlert (Southern California) Public Service
Underground Service Alert of Southern California (DigAlert) is a free service to call before digging trenches or holes for things like fence posts, utilities, foundations, wells, etc.
Video: Rebuilding After A Natural Disaster Video by the Contractors State License Board
This 23-minute video is a comprehensive look at the rebuilding process and walks a couple through their experience. The video contains four chapters on: 1. Start-Up, 2. Research, 3. Legal, and 4. Construction.
Owner-Builders Beware (PDF) (opens new window)
Brochure provided by the Contractors State License Board at when you chose not to hire a licensed contractors for rebuilding.
A Consumer Guide to Home Improvement Contracts – Terms of Agreement (PDF) (opens new window)
An overview of contract terms provided by the Contractors State License Board at, and why it is important not to sign a contract until you understand it and agree to the terms. This brochure also defines what is a contract, provides a contract example, and describes typical payment requirement.
A Homeowners Guide to Preventing Mechanic’s Liens (PDF) (opens new window)
A Contractors State License Board pamphlet at describing the why, what and how to protect against liens on your home as a result of unpaid contracted work.
Disaster Help Center – CSLB California (opens new window)
This page is for consumers and provides warnings about unlicensed contractors and scams. When rebuilding in California, contractors they must be licensed in the state or they are subject to fines.